No sé si será legal hacerlo.
Aquí parte de la info citada arriba:
The ``Rules`` took a hit today on HM01
After 12/30/13's numbers (80583, 63506, 70473, 16036, 61783, and
48834), the numbers for December 31, 2013 broke nearly every "rule" of
the Cuban "Playbook". Note that the first broadcast I heard was on
13435 at 07 UT (eventually reheard with much weaker signal on 11635 at
08 UT -- perhaps weaker signal may be due to antenna directional
change: this signal maybe primarily directed at Central America (as
opposed to others directed at North America such as 5855's and 9330's
transmission). The (totally unexpected) sequence was as follows (and
sent this listener into a semi panic):
56792 (my first heard "9"-- a "nuevo" [sic] series triggering a
"nuevo" set of sequences for a "nuevo año" -- "new year"-- or so it
seems to me since HM01 CAN transmit a '9')
18655 (note the three middle numbers in groups 2 - 4; they read as
"666", which has had sinister connotations for two millenia)
Almost ALL of "the rules" were broken today:
1) None of these new numbers ends with a "1"
2) We have a sequence featuring a "9" within it
3) The broadcast was surprisingly short (25 minutes per segment
instead of the usual 27 minutes -- this timing based on the second
segment of the 07 UT broadcast, which ran from 727 UT - 752 UT after
a nearly 4 minute break from the end of the first transmission)
There are three possibilities for why this broadcast was what it was:
1) The "Cuban Spy Network" was put on high alert based on events such
as the "suicide bombings" in Russia, Cuba's long time ally going back
to the 1950s OR
2) These programs are run on a "tape loop" after they are put together
by persons unknown -- someone pulled out an OLD tape loop in error and
#1 is simply too much paranoia on my part OR
3) These programs are run "live" (after all, there has to be SOMEONE
around to change the transmission frequency and perhaps the direction
of the signal), and whoever puts these programs together is aware of
my getting "the rules" out into the public airwaves and print (via
World of Radio and DX Listening Digest), so they wanted to show that I
really don't know "their rules" after all -- just a little tweak to
show that THEY are in charge. (Or is this assuming too much of HM01's
"staff": that they actually listen to what one lone guy with a cheap
radio can come up with about them and then show that he’s not quite
We shall see later on if we should go on "Red Alert" like Brother
Stair probably would (if he hasn't already) or if the sequences will
resemble anything like the ones for the 30th (or that THESE sequences
will simply increase each block by one).
As we head into 2014, Happy New Year to all you DXers out there!
(Shawn From Flushing NY Fahrer (the guy with the cheap radio, a decent
set of fingers and ears that can still hear after all these years),
Dec 31, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. MAREite Marc Kulbacki reminded us that 'numbers stations' are
not something most non-radio geeks know what to make of.
and ....
Numbers stations have been 'in flux' during last year or so -- all
those heard have been the new 'hybrid digital mode' signals since
last January -- has anyone heard a 'plain voice' (V02) spook since
then? The 'new' format is distinctive, and here's what it looks like
on a waterfall display:
and the 'numbers1' mp3 attached is a recording made by Marc during his
log below so you can hear what it sounds like.
SO -- in case you're keeping track, here's a 'sked' based on what
MAREs have reported: (and see the attached picture for a grid you can
print out and use to keep track of new stuff!)
4035 0400 (Monday) V02 SS female voice (12/2012)
5833 0700 (Sun/Tue/Fri/Sat) V02 SS female voice (07/2012)
5855 0500 (Sun, Wed) HM01 hybrid SS 5d#
" 1000 (Sunday) HM01 hybrid SS 5d#
9240 0900 (Wednesday) HM01 hybrid SS 5d#
9330 0700 (Monday) HM01 hybrid SS 5d#
9875 2200 (Saturday) HM01 hybrid SS 5d#
10345 0600 (Monday) HM01 hybrid SS 5d#
10715 2200 (Sunday) HM01 hybrid SS 5d#
11635 1800 (Tues & Sat) HM01 hybrid SS 5d#
" 2100 (Wednesday) HM01 hybrid SS 5d#
13380 2000 (Tuesday) V02 SS female voice (01/2013)
13435 0700 (Saturday) HM01 hybrid SS 5d#
17477 2200 (Tuesday) HM01 hybrid SS 5d#
Of course, we're sure there are others out there. Help us make this
list more complete! Use the chart to help us 'fill in the blanks'. Let
us know what YOU are hearing so we can make this chart more up to date
and complete! Why? Because it is on the radio! And this is a fun way
to demonstrate we are easily amused!
(Ken Zichi, ed., MARE Tipsheet
17 Jan via DXLD)
5855/AM, Cuban 5d + digital data HM01 spook. The 'tones' before the
digital data are NOT DTMF (telephone) tones but are at about 1180 and
1520 Hz which is the 'two tone' tuning/start signal for the "Redundant
Digital File Transfer" format (RDFT). The digital data is apparently
sent using this RDFT mode which so far as I know is only decodable
with DIGTRX (windoze) software. Anyone know of other ways to decode
this? Of course it will still be 'in code' so not really meaningful,
it just sounds like a fun challenge to try! (OK, I do need help.) In
well (better than RHC is coming in this hour!) 4+54+4+4+ 0534-0555*
12/Jan (Kenneth Vito Zichi, Williamston MI, MARE Tipsheet 17 Jan via
HM01 Emergency(?) Transmission 01/17/2014 --- This may be a live
transmission from “The Cuban Lady”, so let’s put on our thinking caps
about this one. After two days of inactivity (numbers not changing
from 01/15 through 01/16), our “favorite” numbers station pulled out
something somewhat unexpected: an entirely new bunch of numbers (and,
presumably, data files as well) earlier today – January 17, 2014. As
(barely) heard on 5855 kHz @ 05 UT, but confirmed (with much clearer
signals) on both 11435 kHz @ 06 UT and 9330 kHz @ 07 UT, those new
numbers are:
81817 // 14855 // 81785 // 82461 // 65525 // 61073
It’s time to pull out those “one-time pads” (which may have been the
purpose of the ‘one-time’ V02 transmission earlier this year which put
out a whole bunch of numbers all at once) and try to figure out what
they’re saying this time….
Until the “secret” is revealed, this is your intrepid reporter…
(Shawn From Flushing NY Fahrer, (for whom having merely a $ 20 SW
radio and no ability to link it to a computer doesn’t stop him from
getting the word out to those who want and need to know), dxldyg via
This sounds like business as usual to me. I've been listening to Cuban
numbers for decades and nothing they do surprises me. They had 2 hours
of RHC audio in place of HM01 earlier this month. Changing the message
is not very unusual. What makes you think it was a "live"
transmission? DH KCMO (Dave Hughes, Kansas City MO, ibid.)
If I recall properly, Glenn, you mentioned that RHC had used this
frequency for a French language transmission about 2 - 3 weeks ago
(and I had pointed out that HM01 may have "adopted" 10200 kHz for
their 06 UT transmission, which is usually listed as being off band at
10345, at times I had found it at 11435). However, for the past two
nights (UT Sunday 1/19 and UT Monday 1/20), I found the HM01
transmission at that frequency (or thereabouts) for their 06 UT
broadcast. A quick Google search shows that some Chinese spies have
apparently used this frequency in the past.
Note that it is quite possible that this frequency may have actually
been 10100 kHz -- was THIS the frequency that you had mentioned as
opposed to 10200 kHz (with my wacky dial, I never know for sure,
especially with a station that doesn't "advertise" its frequencies).
If someone else monitored these broadcasts with better equipment,
perhaps they can help me out on this (Shawn From Flushing NY (who can
get 'em but not always tell you quite where they were), Jan 20, ibid.)
Shawn, 10100 was reported by several but not me in French at 2100 on
Dec 14, as in DXLD 13-51. I heard: 10432-AM, Dec 20 at 1452, RHC
Spanish is here mixed with RTTY, as in DXLD 13-52. As I had to hunt
thru these issues to answer your question, something you could also
do. 73, (Glenn, ibid.)
Este tema ha sido editado por Claudio.radioam: 24 mayo 2014 - 05:20