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Networked On Air Light for Streaming Broadcasters

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El siguiente tutorial enseña a poner una luz automatica para avisar "al aire" en transmisiones web, a que me refiero, que es de partida un detector que trae un tx inalambrico, posteriormente a eso se crean reeglas y un programa para el RX que al minuto que se "conecte" alguna fuente a un servidor específico, este reconosca la conexion y sin apretar en nada se prende automaticamente la luz, más detalles acontinuación:

Networked On Air Light for Streaming Broadcasters

In true spirit, Make: Live is very much a DIY production. Instead of tripods, we use zip ties to mount webcams to chairs and we jury rig an old monitor to act as our prompter. Along those lines, I decided to create an on air light to indicate when we’re broadcasting. While I could have just wired a switch to a light fixture, I wanted to take the idea a step further. Using Ustream’s API, I set up our on air light to turn on automatically when we start broadcasting. This project was just for fun, but learning how to use the XBee Internet Gateway to get the Arduino online wirelessly will come in very handy for future projects.

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Networked On Air Light
Most of my networked projects have used an Arduino with an Ethernet Shield. For this one, I tried the XBee Internet Gateway, which is free ConnectPort software that allows XBee wireless radios to retrieve web pages. This allowed us to hang the light wherever we wanted without the need to run an Ethernet cable to it. Having an XBee Internet Gateway in my home also means that I can easily add wireless sensors and other internet-connected projects without filling up my router’s Ethernet ports.

This project serves as a good template for any kind of wireless notifier; it’s not just for Ustream. You could customize the project to indicate when your significant other is online, when you receive a new @ reply on twitter, or if rain is expected today. The Arduino and XBee Internet Gateway make a great pair for many internet-connected projects. To learn more about XBee mesh networks and the XBee Internet Gateway, Robert Faludi’s book, Building Wireless Sensor Networks is a great resource.
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Disfruten, para el que entendió y conoce informatica un excelente TIP =)

Fuente: http://blog.makezine...oadcasters.html
Manual: http://makeprojects....Air-Light/614/1

Si bien para alguien que está las 24 horas del dia conectado siempre tendrá la luz de "ON AIR" encendida pero podemos darle otro uso, por ejemplo que la luz nos alerte si se nos ha caido el servidor o no estamos transmitiendo por problemas, si se tiene un estudio distante se puede avisar cuando estamos conectados sin estar con el celular de pormedio para abrir las comunicaciones... como ven no es caro para todas las utilidades ke nos puede llegar a entregar...
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    Soy Locutor Amateur

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se agradece.... :o :o
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